Provider of structured ground and flight training in Europe, training has dispensed training since February of 2007 emphasizing:
- FAA Instrument rating for private and commercial pilots
- FAA Commercial pilot and unrestricted Private pilot (w/night flight)
- Recurrent training such as EASA SEP(A) class rating revalidations, FAA IPC’s (Instrument Proficiency Checks), FAA BFR’s («Biennial» Flight Reviews) and TAA (Technically Advanced Aircraft / glass cockpit endorsements )
Training priorities and focus
- Optimization of pilot’s time and training budget
- Flexibility to meet needs, objectives and schedules
- Minimization of carbon and ecological footprint
EASA flight & instrument instructors
While we are not currently offering ATO training courses, we do recommend qualified EASA instructors to help you reach your objectives in the following realms:
- 30 of the 40 hours required for the EASA Basic Instrument Rating (BIR) Modules 1 and 2, 1 and 3, or 1, 2 and 3
- 35 of the 45 hours required for the EASA Competency-Based Instrument rating (CB IR)
- Conversion support for existing ICAO and FAA instrument ratings to the EASA Competency-Based Instrument Rating
- License and IR conversion support from FAA to EASA and EASA to FAA in accordance with the new BASA (14 CFR 61.71) and non-BASA (14 CFR 61.75) testing EASA & FAA proficiency checks
Since 2023, has provided:
EASA examinations
- EASA Instrument rating SEP initial skill test
- EASA Instrument rating SEP revalidation proficiency checks
- EASA Instrument rating SEP (expired) renewal proficiency checks
- EASA Class rating SEP initial skill test
- EASA Class rating SEP (expired) renewal proficiency checks
- EASA Class rating SEP revalidation flights
FAA proficiency checks
- FAA Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPC)
- FAA “Biennial” Flight Review (BFR)
Other recent news

• December 2023: Now offering TSA FTSP fingerprinting for FAA trainees (type-ratings, ATP-CTP, Instrument, Multi-engine, Private) with remote fingerprinting services available.
• October 2023: We have upgraded our RedBird FMX to a Garmin G1000 option (GNS 530/430 panel still available) in time for its move to a new location
• This RedBird FMX is qualified under FAA AATD rules with creditable hours for 20 of the 40 minimum FAA instrument rating course. See the entire list of capabilities in the latest FAA letter of approval (expiring October 31st, 2026)
• Changes to regulations under 14 CF 61.57(c) now enable FAA instrument-rated pilots to use the RedBird simulator without instructor to maintain recent experience currency
• Read about our FAA Instrument Rating theory course